
Monday, September 26, 2011

Please Welcome our New GDT!

We are thrilled to announce our guest designer for October through December: Michelle Price.  Here's a bit about Michelle, in her own words:

Hi-I'm Michelle from Idaho. I'm a mother of 2 adorable kids.  I was introduced to card making by my future sis-in law when I was 20 and thought 'Boy-what an old lady thing to do" I humored her and tried it and have been going steady ever since. You know that crazy girl who spends every waking (and non-waking) moment scrapping or thinking of what will be scrapped next. She dresses her children in coordinating outfits if there is even a remote possibility that a picture will be taken? Yeah-I'M THAT GIRL! Currently I am loving very vintage papers and supplies. I love to try new products and scrap using sketches with my own twist added.

Michelle blogs at Simply Price so be sure to check her out!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Football Frenzy Crop


Are you looking to tackle that pile of pictures you have on your desk?
Are you looking to increase your football vocabulary? 
If so join us for our Football Frenzy Crop on September 21-23! 
We are sure you will get a kick out of our challenges in our play book.
Here's the play-by-play for the game:

*Pre-game---------Wednesday, 9/21-----8:00 am 
*First-Half---------Thursday 9/22---------8:00 am 
*Half-time Show--Thursday---------------9:00 pm
*Second-Half------Friday 9/23-------------8:00 am 
*Post-Game-------Saturday 9/24----------8:00 am
 {all times are CDT}

So get your game face on and join us in the forum beginning Monday to sign up on the roster.