
Friday, December 17, 2010

Creative C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S.: A: Advertisement Inspirations

During this time of the year, we are flooded from every which direction with advertisements. Ads can be a great source of inspiration. Designers and artists get paid the big bucks to come up with eye-catching layouts that we can then adapt for use on our scrapbook pages.

Here's an add that landed in my inbox from Anthropologie (my favorite store to visit):


And here's my layout inspired by the ad:

I loved the clean and simple design and the white background. I also loved the way the photos in the ad were cropped at slightly skewed angles. I also edited my photos to b&w with color on the focal points in each (this helped get rid of some of the distracting backgrounds in my pics, too).

For your challenge, create a LO inspired by an advertisement. Simple!

All projects are due at noon on December 22nd to be eligible for prizes.

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