
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Creative C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S.: I: Ink

Wooohooo....C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. brought to you by the letter 'I'!

Okay....wanted to find something different to do with the ol' inks, but yet at the same time super easy and I think I found it! WE WANT YOU TO USE SOME INK! At least 2 different colors...some way! is 2 projects I've done with this technique so far....


Close up....


Close up (not as good as I'd like)

I pulled out my Tim Holtz inks but any will do for this!!!

First, stamp your image (I stamped the birdhouse and the lamp FIRST). Then with your glossy accents (or any other product that will dry clear!) cover your image. It doesn't have to be 'perfect'. Thump out any 'bubbles' if you have any and then let it dry.

After it has dried pull out your other inks and play away. The glossy accents has created a 'resist'! I played and just created different 'smudges' with my inks. On the tag I added some rubons and inked right over those also! For the card I actually inked with lighter colors for the background and then found the background stamp with the words and stamped right on top of it all. I did use a wipe to wipe off any ink that got on the resist. I LOVE the effect this created!

For this challenge you do NOT have to do the technique but I do want you to use AT LEAST TWO (2) DIFFERENT color inks on your project! and HAVE FUN!

All projects are due at noon on December 22nd to be eligible for prizes.

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