
Thursday, December 2, 2010

December's GDT

With the turn of the calendar page, we say goodbye to Heather as our November Guest Designer.  Heather, you did an amazing job helping is with our card crop last month.  You have a style all your own and always inspiring.  Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us!

And now we give a happy hello to Dana Phillips.  Dana has been a member of Scrapbook Heaven for well over a year.  Despite her busy life as a homeschooling mom, she still finds time to inspire us with her creations.  Welcome to the team, Dana!

Hi, I'm Dana and I'm excited to be the GDT this month!

I am a chemist turned SAHM. I really loved my job, but we felt it was important for me to be home with the kids. David and I have been married 17 years and we homeschool our two children, Danae (10) and Dawson (8). We currently live in Mississippi, but I have lived all over the US and spent most of my childhood in Belize.

I've been scrapping since the end of 2000 when I completed about 75 layouts in a little over a month. Crazy, I know! But when the bug bit, it bit hard. Needless to say, I'm not nearly that productive now that my style is a little more refined. I am definitely a clean and simple scrapper and I make as many double page layouts as single pagers. A few years ago, I discovered card making and I love making a card or two from the leftovers of a layout. Although I don't have as much time to devote to this wonderful hobby as I would like, I think I will be scrapping for the rest of my life.

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