
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Scrapsation Crop Weeks 3 & 4

Is it just me, or is the summer just flying right on by like a kite on a string?  Whoa there, summer, wait for me!

Sketch #3:
Layout by DT Chris

Color Challenge #3:

Friday Challenge #3:
Soaking up the sun...are you?? A lot of time when we are out soaking up the sun we love to catch up on our reading too. Have you ever really looked at how many different fonts are used to write a book? There are bold words, italic words, all caps to express emotion of some sort, chapter titles are often done in a different font. Let's go with that this week, for your challenge you need to use at LEAST 4 different fonts on your layout, you can use them in the title alone or spread it however you want but we want to clearly see 4 different fonts throughout your layout!
Layout by Member Heather
Sketch #4:

Card by DT Jules
Color Challenge #4:
Layout by Member Heather

 Friday Challenge #4:
 This week's theme is "Out and About," but how about looking no further than the town in which you live. Every town has a story. Is there a historical landmark in your town? {General George Washington passed through my town, and I'm pretty sure he slept in a house-now-turned-museum--need to brush up on my history a bit.} Or a favorite place you like to visit--for us it's our town's library and park. Scrapbook a LO about your town (or your childhood town) for this challenge.

All projects for these challenges are to be uploaded to the gallery and linked in your check in post no later than midnight 7/10/11.

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