
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Meet The Design Team - Juliet (Jules) Diley

 My wonderful family!

Who is Jules(Juliet)? My name is Juliet but my FRIENDS call me Jules!
I am married to the most wonderful guy in the world, Vince. We have eight
yes, I said 8, kids. The older 5 are grown and gone and 3 of them are married.
The other 3 are 18, 15 and 14. The 18 year old will be flying the coop soon!

Tell us about your early beginnings in scrapbooking ?
I blame it all on
a dear friend, Jo, who invited me to a CM party about 12 years ago! Quickly 
moved out of the CM and started to scrap with a group of friends. Followed 
more friends as they walked through owning a scrapbook store and the obsession
just continued to grow!

Why do you scrapbook ?
It is all about recording our family's lives. I love being
able to leave a little piece of my heart for my kids to remember for years to come!

What inspires you/motivates you to create?
Often it is a song, a thought or a 
picture that I want to highlight in our lives!

Who are your scrapbooking idols ?
My friends! I don't really have a specific 
person in the industry that i idolize. I love to see how different people create! Take the 
same piece of paper, embellishment or word and how THEY go with it!

Tell us a little-known fact about yourself.
Hmm, I guess that I like to eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches! Dare ya to try one sometime!

What kind of music do you enjoy ?
Country is my first pick. Contemporary Christian is my second, but I will listen to just about anything if it IS music...not a big fan of rap or acid rock...sorry.....

How do you find time to scrapbook ?
I'm a night owl. After the house is quiet that is my favorite time to get at it! It is not uncommon for me to be scrapping until 3 in the morning!

What's the hardest thing for you to scrapbook ?
MINI ALBUMS! I just don't like them. I guess to me they are hard to display.

What's your go-to embellishment ?
Ribbon and buttons, but that could always change! I also love ephemera!

What is your favorite color for scrapbooking ? Which color do you rarely use ? 

That is an evolution! At one time I couldn't stand bright colors, but if the picture fits I say go for it! I also love the muted tones, can always find a use for earth tones and neutrals! I guess I find it hard to scrap with reds and purples....I LOVE both of those colors, as a matter of fact they are my FAVORITE colors but to scrap with they are difficult!

What made you happy today ? The cup of coffee put beside my bed for when I woke up by my wonderful man of 27 years...he does that almost EVERY morning! So I wake up happy most days!


  1. Oh, I am loving these little introductions of the Design Team members, even those I have "known" online for some time. I love learning new things about each person, and finding out how they came to be where they are terms of their crafting and their lives! After all, isn't that what scrapbooking is all about?

  2. Happy Mothers Day x 8 to you Jules! It was fun getting to know you a bit more~

  3. Love that Vince puts coffee by your bedside every morning. He's a keeper!
