Friday, April 9, 2010

How about something new???

Well, actually they aren't 'new' but they will be made new again on here!  HA!

We are going to post a sketch every other week to hopefully inspire you to come create with us!!!  Yes, every other week I will post a sketch and we WANT to see what you do with the we want you to come back here and share a link to your creation ORRRRR even better yet come share it with us on our Forums!  We will have a special forum just for this!

So here it is.....

Feel free to flip it, mirror it, or do with it what you will but we do need to see that you used the sketch as inspiration for your layout so make sure you tell us how you used it! 

Have fun!  The first person to come share with us on our boards and tell us that you saw this on the blog will get a happy from me!  We want folks to PLAY (ummm.....create) with us!

I'm waiting! Have a super one,


Miranda said...

Sounds like fun!! The sketch is great, so I hope to give it a try this week!!

Miranda said...

Here you can see my layout: